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Surgery, Hospitalization, Radiology, Ultrasound, & Dentistry

Routine Spay & Neuter

PVVH offers full surgical service including spays and neuters. This is traditionally recommended before the age of six months old, but can be performed at any time. Most of our routine surgical procedures go home the same day. Preanesthetic blood work is strongly suggested for any pet that is undergoing an anesthetic or surgical procedure and is required for any animal over the age of five.

Every anesthetic procedure carries some limited risk. Pre-procedural blood work may identify problems that need to be addressed before a surgical procedure, and thus reduce the chance of anesthetic complications.

Elective Surgery

We do a wide variety of surgical procedures including tumor removals, laceration repairs, abdominal exploratory, ocular procedures and skin grafting. Orthopedic procedures are performed on an as needed basis and a surgeon is called in when needed.

We have access to the best surgical and ultrasound specialists in the area and are able to accommodate most of our patient’s surgical needs including fracture and cruciate repair. Our specialists come right to our office making it more convenient and less expensive for you. Preanesthetic blood work is strongly recommended for any patient undergoing a non-elective surgical procedure, but is required for any animal over the age of five.


We provide hospitalization for noncritical patients and pets recovering from surgical procedures. We do not have 24 hour observation but have staff members that come in until 11 pm to evaluate and treat patients as needed. For critical patients, we refer to the Veterinary Emergency and Specialty Hospital for monitoring and observation. Please visit their website at

Radiology & Ultrasound

We are pleased to offer digital radiology ( X-rays) as well as abdominal ultrasonography. We can usually accommodate your needs the same day you enter our practice, but prefer to schedule these procedures on a first come, first serve basis. The benefits of digital radiology allow the production of highly detailed radiographs providing better diagnostic images than seen with conventional radiographs. We can also create duplicates to share with other practices in case referral or consultation is needed.

This advanced technology is also used to perform OFA (Orthopedic Foundation for Animals) radiographs for breeders screening against hip and elbow dysplasia. We also offer ultrasonography, a non-invasive diagnostic procedure that allows three dimensional imaging of internal organs, frequently eliminating the need for more invasive procedures. Ultrasonography is a fast and friendly procedure that can detect anything from pregnancy to bladder stones or splenic tumors.


More than 80% of dogs and cats have significant periodontal disease by the age of four. Periodontal disease begins when plaque, a mixture of bacteria and food debris, builds up on tooth surfaces and works its way under the gum line. Toxins released by bacteria cause an inflammatory response that can lead to destruction of tissue and bone that anchor the teeth in place.

What owners notice is bad breath. It has been proven scientifically that bacteria that enter the blood stream through the oral cavity may affect the heart, liver and kidneys leading to premature disease or failure.

Our trained staff performs deep dental cleanings for all ages of dogs and cats including scaling, polishing, and sealing with Oravet Plaque Prevention Gel. Our primary goal is to promote excellent oral health and save teeth, but we also perform dental extractions when needed. We offer digital dental radiographs that allow us to determine if tooth root abscesses or subgingival bone loss exist.

With this tool, dental extractions necessary are easily identified that might otherwise not be visible to the naked eye. We do not perform endodontic therapy (root canals) at this time, but can refer you to an endodontic specialist that will perform root canals and crown placement if needed.

Multi Modal Pain Therapy

For any mildly to moderately uncomfortable procedure, soft tissue, dental or otherwise, we offer several options for pain control, thus allowing your pet to heal more comfortably and quickly. We try to promote quality of life and provide your pet with a seamless recovery post any service or procedure that we provide.

Pocket Pets

We are happy to see rabbits, ferrets, rats, hamsters etc. These frequently are cared for by children and sometimes need medical attention. We perform spays and neuters to prevent ‘More Than Just One’, as well as to treat or prevent cancerous conditions which are sometimes seen in our smaller pets. We consider these critters beloved family members to those that care for them, and strive to provide health and surgical care needed for quality of life and a robust existence.