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Rabies: Rabies is a fatal condition that may be contracted via saliva and/or bite wounds from unknown sources, and is transmissible to individuals, human and animal, through contact with infected fluids and tissues. It is law that this vaccine is given to all pets before their 6 month birthday and then if given again after 9 months and before a years time it can be given as a 3 year vaccine. The local animal control authorities will be notified if you fail to comply with the law.

Canine Distemper: This vaccine includes immunotherapy for Paramyxovirus, Parvovirus, Hepatitis / Corona Virus, and Parainfluenza, all of which can make your pet sick, as well as lead to death. These viruses are transmitted by saliva, nasal discharge, and fecal matter that may be left behind on inanimate objects, including the grass in heavily traveled dog areas, and grooming equipment, as well as by direct contact with a seemingly healthy individual, (carrier state).

It is strongly recommended that this vaccine be boostered according to your veterinarian’s recommendations (usually annually), which are based on the potential exposure level in your pet’s local environment. This vaccine is required for all boarding purposes.

Canine Lyme Vaccination: Lyme Disease is transmitted by ticks of all varieties and is heavily diagnosed in clinically healthy dogs that have been unknowingly previously exposed. This vaccination is used to prevent the transmission of more Borrelia Borgdorferi (causative agent) in addition to any that may previously exist within the dog’s system. Lyme Disease has been shown to cause kidney failure, heart disease, and severe osteoarthritis; is not curable unless detected early in the course of the disease.

Leptospirosis: Leptospirosis is prevalent in the wildlife population, (deer, raccoon, fox) and is responsible for acute liver and kidney failure in dogs. It is difficult to treat and is also a zoonotic, meaning transmissible to humans, via your pet’s saliva and urine, therefore it also poses a human health risk.

Unless there is a proven sensitivity to this part of the vaccination, we strongly recommend that your pet be vaccinated for it. Many individuals blame this part of the vaccine for reaction, but usually these reactions are mild and pass with appropriate antihistamine treatment. Please ask your veterinarian if you have questions or concerns.

Bordetella: The Bordatella Bronchiseptica vaccination helps prevent a particular bacterin is one of several that can lead to “Kennel Cough”, and typically produces good immune response in the individual’s receiving this vaccines. It may be given either via nose drops, or as an injection.

Your pet is at risk for exposure in any environment where numerous dog’s have visited, ie. Grooming facilities, kennels, parks, waiting rooms, obedience classes. As with all vaccines, it is not a guarantee, but if exposed, your pet would have a better chance of fighting the subsequent infection and clinical signs that could possibly develop. We recommend this as an annual vaccine after the initial series. The exception to this is if you board frequently or show your dog, then we recommend vaccinating every six months.

Feline Distemper: The Feline Distemper Vaccination includes immunotherapy for Viral Rhinotracheitis ( Herpes), Calicivirus, Panleukopenia (Parvovirus). These are viruses that are transmissible between individuals via saliva and nasal discharge, and may be airborn or left as residuals on inanimate objects such as furniture or blades of grass.

Each of these may cause significant disease in an immunocompromised patient, including eye and mouth ulcers, nasal discharge, diarrhea, a weakened immune system, and sometimes death. Please ask your veterinarian if you have questions or concerns.

Feline Leukemia: The Feline Leukemia Virus Vaccination is recommended for higher risk individuals that may have exposure to unknown sources of the virus, typically outdoor cats. This virus is easily transmissible via saliva and nasal discharge, but may also live for a short while on contaminated surfaces, such as water bowls and dishes.

This virus lives in the bone marrow and is usually fatal if contracted, but the time frame varies from a few weeks to a few months or years. The vaccination is 80% effective in trial studies with high exposure levels, and is annual once the initial series of two has been completed within the required time frame. We require testing for the virus prior to vaccination, which can be done by a technician and done while you wait.